Don’t Be Fooled!

The “Freedom” Foundation is a vicious anti-worker group funded by corporate billionaires and Wall Street CEOs. They are trying to use a recent Supreme Court case to weaken and divide public workers, so they can lower our pay, and the rich can get richer.

Who’s Got Our Back?

The Teamsters – America’s Strongest Union – is standing together to protect our wages, benefits and retirement security.

Together as Teamsters, we…“Freedom” Foundation…
Win wage increases for thousands of workersFights against public employee wages
Fight for pensions and a secure retirementOpposes pensions
Fight for good, affordable health benefitsFights against employee health benefits
Support adequate staffing in public servicesSupports outsourcing of public sector jobs
Support strong families and healthy communitiesOpposes and lobbies against paid sick leave

Download the Flier, here.